Noah Builders NYC

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Why Roll Waterproofing is Complex?

Roll waterproofing is a complex work on the installation of a waterproof coating. It mainly isolates underground parts and buildings’ roofs from groundwater penetration or precipitation. Works are carried out with sheet material rolled into rolls. Therefore, this type of waterproofing received such a name. This is the most popular type of external protection and has a wide application around the world.

 Top general contractors NYC With a professional approach to the choice of materials and quality work, the service life reaches 20+ years.

Which roll material is better?

 Roll insulation is a waterproof sheet designed to protect against water penetration. It consists of a supporting base, which is coated on both sides with a binder and has several mounting methods.

  Designed for waterproofing:

  • roofs
  • foundations
  • basement walls
  • overlapping
  • pools
  • main pipelines
  • bridges
  • underground structures

There are many manufacturers and options for commercial waterproofing services. The choice should be based on site-specific conditions and requirements for long-term protection against water intrusion.

 The main characteristics of roll waterproofing:

  • without base, roofing felt, programming (roofing cardboard), fiberglass, fiberglass, or polyester.
  • The composition of the waterproofing (binder) substance. Can be: bitumen, bitumen-polymer, polymer.
  • Mounting method. They can be: glued on special mastics, welded by heating, and self-adhesive.
  • The presence of surface dressing refers to bitumen and bitumen-polymer. Depending on the purpose, they are distinguished without sprinkling: coarse-grained, medium-grained, fine-grained, pulverized, or scaly.

If we compare all the options for roll coatings in terms of quality, durability, and cost, we get the following rating:

  • The lowest place is occupied by products based on the roofing material, roofing felt, glassine, and bituminous binders. Low price. Poor quality, water resistance period: 1-3 years.
  • The most popular category is based on fiberglass, with a bitumen-polymer composition of insulating substances. Low-mid price category. The average level of quality and the period of water resistance of the material is 7-10 years.
  • The most expensive category, among bitumen-polymer, coatings based on polyester. As a rule, it is produced with an excellent bitumen-polymer composition of insulating substances. Medium-high price category. Medium-high quality level, water resistance period 10-25 years.
  • The benchmark for durability is polymer roll coatings – PVC membrane. This is roll-sheet insulation; installation is carried out on special fasteners. The sheets are soldered with hot air, forming a very reliable solid sheet. High price category. High level of quality, water resistance up to 40 years.

Roll products on bituminous binders, without polymers, and on an organic basis: roofing felt, parchment, and roofing felt are of poor quality. These are unreliable materials as they decompose in the ground if used below the surface. When used on the roof, they melt in the sun, tan in frost, and quickly lose their waterproof properties. But a significant plus is the low price. We do not recommend using this category of materials as they will not provide long-term waterproofing.

 The category of insulation is entirely polymer-based, very reliable, and durable. Technologically, it is allowed to work in the rain and with a damp mounting surface. It is essential to use high-quality materials and responsibly perform work. In this case, it is enough to use one layer of PVC membrane to insulate the roof. Therefore, despite the high cost per m2 of PVC materials, the cost of work and materials is comparable to the use of bitumen-polymer. But, if everything is done correctly, you can significantly win the quality of the resulting roofing.

 Among bitumen-polymer, polyester-based materials will be the best choice in terms of durability. This type has an increased elasticity of the canvas, and it can stretch. Due to this, the thermal expansion of the building and roof is compensated, and the seams retain their tightness for a long time. The price is higher than the material of fiberglass and fiberglass.

 We recommend using materials from the category of bitumen-polymer material based on fiberglass. This is the most widely used rolled waterproofing. In case of increased water tightness and service life requirements, we recommend using a PVC membrane. This is the most durable technology.

Which mounting technology to choose?

 There are two primary installation methods for the bituminous rolled products: pasting and fusing. The self-adhesive method is rarely used, for example, when it is necessary to work indoors or when laying on combustible surfaces.

Regardless of whether the application surface is vertical or horizontal, deposition technology is predominantly used. This is a more reliable technology for waterproofing Contractors NYC. It is explained by the fact that it repeats the curves of the surface with greater accuracy, and the uniformity of the binders provides a firmer grip in contrast to the gluing technology, which uses an intermediate layer in the form of bituminous glue (mastic). Also, the built-up installation method is faster, which allows you to offer a lower cost for work.

 Self-adhesive roll coatings are more expensive; their installation requires more time than fusing technology. This installation method has lower adhesion to the surface, which leads to a loss of laying quality on vertical surfaces. The application is recommended for flat roofs with small amounts of work.

Marking – instructions for use.

 When purchasing materials, you need to know products’ labeling and decoding. These designations define the technology of waterproofing works and indicate distinctive features.

Marking example:

 Each marking corresponds to its purpose or conditions of use.

Roll coatings for waterproofing foundations and basements.

Roll insulation is considered a universally recognized means of protecting the foundation and basement from water penetration. But this waterproofing has a severe risk to its suitability in the environment of soils saturated with acids and alkalis!

Firstly, bitumen is an organic substance, and under the conditions of an active micro-organic environment of the soil, it is exposed to the aggressive action of bacteria and microorganisms. Secondly, when the material is exposed to the chemical composition of the soil, it loses its waterproofing properties. Therefore, you need to take the issue of choosing a roll coating for waterproofing the recessed parts of the house seriously. The materials must contain special polymeric modifiers, plasticizers, and antibacterial additives. Using such coatings, you can count on reliable and long-term waterproofing.

The technology of laying waterproofing in two layers :


Calculating the necessary material for the work is carried out with a margin. The amount should be 15-20% more than the coverage area. This is due to the need to overlap the insulation and the inevitable formation of scraps of material. Trimmings are not suitable for installation, the more, the more complex the work surface.

Algorithm and content of waterproofing works

Preparing the base for laying

 The preparatory stage of work is as essential for a quality result as the process of installing waterproofing itself. This stage of work is the key to long-term and reliable protection against water leaks. Any significant irregularities, chips, cracks, or surface defects must be repaired using a cement-sand mixture. If necessary, preliminary jointing of defects is done with a perforator, and a fillet is made at the corners of perpendicular surfaces. The surface is thoroughly cleaned from sand, dust, and dirt.

Application of bituminous primer

 The surface leveled from defects is treated with a bituminous primer, which is necessary to increase adhesion between the rolled material and the structure. It is applied with a roller in one layer. We are against the recommendation that diluted bitumen can be used instead of a primer. Poor-quality bitumen instead of a special primer can not only not help but also harm the quality of waterproofing work.


The laying of the roll material must be overlapped. Docking along: the first canvas, covered by the next one by 10 cm. Perpendicular joints (end): the first canvas, covered by the second by 15 cm of the canvas. The amount of overlap increases with the presence of a slope and the complexity of the surface to be covered. In these cases, the value can be 20 cm – 25 cm.

Fusion of the first layer (lining)

When working on horizontal surfaces, one person can easily handle it. When working with vertical, laying should be carried out in pairs. We also recommend working in pairs when laying horizontal surfaces, such as roofs. So having two people walking on the same weld roll will increase the downforce and give a stronger adhesion.

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Waterproofing of Underground Structures. Features And Types of Work

Work on underground waterproofing is a complex of various construction activities. The essence is to create reliable protection of reinforced concrete and concrete structures from the aggressive influence of seasonal and soil waters.

However, the waterproofing of underground structures is hampered by the complete absence of natural light and poor ventilation.

The list of problems that arise due to a violation of waterproofing is as follows:

  • Weakening the bearing capacity of the building;
  • Failures in the operation of underground communications;
  • Corrosive changes in reinforcing elements;
  • Breakage of power cables;
  • Increase in the cost of repairs, finishing works, and restoration of waterproof;
  • Problems with tenants, which can lead to litigation.

Types of Waterproofing

Protection of the building from moisture is carried out at the stage of construction work. This is due to the ability to have free access to the outer walls of all buried structures, up to the stage of filling them with soil.

Type of waterproofing
Type of waterproofing

Another important condition in work on creating high-quality waterproofing service of underground garages, basements, parking lots, and basements is the presence of a drainage system.

To prevent the destruction of reinforced concrete structures when exposed to water, the following types of waterproofing are used:

  • Primary waterproofing involves using concrete-based compounds or special mixtures with a high degree of resistance to moisture and low temperatures.
  • The secondary type of waterproof includes the process of applying a special protective layer to the treated surface using PVC membranes or “liquid rubber.” The advantages of this method include penetrating waterproofing, which helps prevent moisture from entering the open rooms and protects the building from the effects of soil water containing harmful salts and acids. But, to repair or restore underground waterproof, you should use the injection method of waterproofing since it is the most effective.

Waterproofing contractors NY by injection or buried parts of a building structure has many advantages, mainly the absence of earthworks. BLOCKthis, in turn, will allow the customer to save time and money because they need to use earth-moving equipment that will disappear by itself.

The injection method can be applied at any time of the year and is performed inside the room.

The company “Noah Builders NYC” provides waterproofing services for underground structures in NYC, including work on restoring waterproofing by injection.

Based on the hydrogeological conditions of the construction site’s location and based on its operational characteristics, the professional craftsmen of the company ” Noah Builders NYC” developed the most effective algorithms for the implementation and restoration of waterproofing.

The list of services provided by Noah builders includes:

  • low-pressure injection;
  • work on injection of cracks using construction packers;
  • hardening type injection;
  • work on injection of large premises;
  • Injection of seams in concrete.

The Noah Builders NYC company owns all the necessary equipment for injection work, which makes it possible to carry out all construction activities for high waterproofing underground structures with high quality, taking into account all the construction site features.

Waterproofing of Underground Structures

More often than other construction projects, underground structures are subject to the aggressive effects of high-pressure groundwater.

The following objects fall into the risk group:

  • Metro and underground tram stations
  • Underground car parks
  • Mines and bunkers
  • Buried fire tanks
  • Treatment facilities
  • Auto tunnels

The peculiarity of such buildings is that access to the outer sides of the structures is very difficult, and waterproofing work has to be carried out in conditions of constant water flow.

Only the technology of injection waterproofing contractors NY, which the specialists of our company widely use, can cope with such problems.

Waterproofing of Underground Structures
Waterproofing of Underground Structures

The injection method effectively fights soil water, even when water flows in a continuous gushing stream.

In this case, special polyurethane foam is used, increasing its volume several times in contact with water. At the next stage, injections are carried out with a polymerization composition, which blocks the moisture penetration channel for many years.

When waterproofing contractors NY buried objects, particular attention should be given to sealing seams, mates, and joints. If waterproofing restoration work is carried out at an average or low level of groundwater pressure, resins with a long setting time are used.

Waterproofing works of the underground part of the building. Any building structure has a recessed part – the foundation, which can be located at different depths, depending on the number of floors of the building, its type, soil features, groundwater level, and climatic conditions of the area.

As a rule, ancient building objects in NYC are erected on a foundation of stone or brick. However, voids and cracks may appear in the masonry of such materials of waterproofing over time. Such processes are also typical for concrete.

Professional craftsmen working in the company “Noah Builders NYC” can quickly restore waterproofing, organize reinforcing filling of voids, improve the bearing characteristics of the underground part of the construction site.

Our specialists are real professionals who have the necessary knowledge and experience to choose the most effective method. All this, combined with innovative waterproofing materials, provides a high level of moisture protection for brick or stone masonry and reinforced concrete structures.

Stage of Preparatory Work

The course of preparatory work directly depends on the chosen waterproofing technology.

At this stage, specialists mark the location of the packers. It is through the packers that the synthetic waterproofing material will be injected.

If, after examining the state of damage, it is decided to use a different type of waterproofing material, such as penetrating compounds or “liquid” rubber, then surface preparation will play an important role in achieving the optimum level of surface protection against moisture.

Stage of Preparatory Work

The preparatory work algorithm is aimed at ensuring:

  • Increasing the level of the bearing capacity of the structure;
  • Dryness and cleanliness (elimination of grease and other contaminants, as well as the old coating) of the structure;
  • strength;
  • Roughness, which provides adhesion to concrete.

Specialists of the Noah Builders Company perform all types of work to eliminate leaks, strengthen reinforced concrete structures, repair and waterproof underground parking lots, injection of monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

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What are the Methods of Waterproofing & Materials Used for Waterproofing?

Among the reasons that reduce the life of the foundation, and, therefore, a residential building, are precipitation, melt, and groundwater. Poor-quality (or damaged) internal basement waterproofing cannot withstand moisture penetration. The most formidable consequence will be corrosion and destruction of reinforcement; this will be followed by the destruction of the foundation, which takes on the entire load. The whole house may be in disrepair.

Why Do You Need Internal Waterproofing?

For Interior Basement waterproofing NYC to fully fulfill the responsible protection mission, it is necessary to choose the right method, carefully observe the technology and use suitable materials.

Cellar waterproofing is necessary if:

  • In this area, the groundwater level is high, and periodic (seasonal) flooding of the basement occurs;
  • Due tо mistаkes mаde during соnstruсtiоn, соndensаtiоn fоrms оn the wаlls оf the bаsement; insulаtiоn is damaged, wаter рenetrаtes the bаsement;
  •  It was decided to convert the basement into a living space (a restroom, a workshop, a gym).

Why is the Basement Wet?

A leak or high humidity in the basement can cause material damage to the owner in the form of a crop that has died from mold and fungus. A threat to human health and the home’s condition also becomes probable. To fix the problem, you need to determine the causes. They may be:

  • change in GWL or climate (seasonal);
  • foundation defects (poor-quality filling or seams);
  • defects in the waterproofing of the outer surface of the walls;

Types of Waterproofing

Interior Basement waterproofing of the ceiling and floor (horizontal). The laying of the waterproofing of the floor is carried out in any case during its installation since it is impossible to predict the change in groundwater level in the future. Leaks on the ceiling can appear due to heavy rains, so they prefer to insulate it.

Vertical basement waterproofing from the inside. Necessary if there is no drainage system or groundwater level reaches the level of the walls. In such conditions, work is combined with a horizontal insulation device to prevent the appearance of moisture inside the room.

What Materials Are Used For Waterproofing?

Groundwater sealing from the Interior Basement water proofing is carried out using different types of building materials, forming two main groups:

  • built-up;
  • Painting or coating.

There are several methods for performing waterproofing, taking into account the characteristics of the building, the surrounding soil, and the materials themselves.

Penetrating Insulation

Penetrating waterproofing of the basement from the inside from groundwater is carried out using special materials that can penetrate the structure of concrete or brick. The  соmроsitiоn  оf  the  рenetrаting  elements  inсludes  сement-bаsed  роlymer  аdditives.  Uроn  соntасt  with  wаter,  they  fоrm  а  mаss  thаt  fills  the  smаllest  роres  оf  the  wаlls.

This group of waterproofing is Penetron, a penetrating material for primary waterproofing of concrete structures with unlimited service life. The mixture is applied to the wet concrete surface, penetrates the holes in the concrete, and forms crystalline structures in it. Such crystals prevent water penetration, increasing the strength and corrosion resistance of the surface.

Cement-Based Waterproofing (Cement Mixtures)

It is used for walls in combination with penetrating waterproofing, and it has the maximum adhesion (sticking) among all materials. Coating cement mixes are available in rigid (dry mixes) and flexible (dry mix and polymer emulsion) materials.

Liquid Insulation (Coated)

They are used as basement floor waterproofing material, also suitable for outdoor insulation work. It is made in the form of mastic.

Roll Insulation

Refers to gluing varieties, uses materials with bituminous impregnation. It creates a protective layer on the floor but does not protect the foundation. They are used together with a coating material, laid with a gas burner. This method is not recommended for processing walls, as it will make the room’s interior decoration impossible.

Membrane Waterproofing

Interior Basement water proofing NYC from the inside from groundwater can be carried out in two ways, depending on the groundwater level:

  • Polymer film. It is a roll material with a thickness of 0.2 mm, used for sealing if the basement floor is located above groundwater.
  • Profiled. This is a corrugated sheet (studded or pimply) made of multilayer polyethylene, used if the groundwater level is above the floor level. The material is attached to the wall; it is designed for long-term water retention (during the entire period of operation of the house).

Injection Protection Against Moisture (a Penetrating)

This method allows you to secure the inner surface of the walls and floor and the supporting structure. It is applicable in active water leaks or defective areas (voids in concrete).

It needs injectors to work. Cement or polyurethane compounds are used as mixtures, which expand and push water out of the structure’s thickness. Injection protection allows high-quality waterproofing of the basement.

It is carried out in various stages:

  • holes covered in concrete; they stagger
  • the injector is inserted into each hole
  • the pump is connected in turn to each injector
  • Sequentially under pressure, the mixture is poured into the holes


In addition to the cost of materials, the cost of work may include the dismantling of the old coating, cleaning and dust removal of the surface, installing a cement screed, surface priming, and other work as agreed with the customer. A qualified specialist will determine the detailed list of necessary work individually. Every owner of a private house, garage, or country house equipped with a cellar deals with the need to waterproof the basement walls from the inside. Building materials are different in purpose, features, and benefits. Properly chosen treatment of a basement-type room will protect against dampness protect against mold and fungus. In a waterproof building, not only the dry microclimate, which brings health to the inhabitants, is valuable. An important result will be the maintenance of the reproductive capacity of the foundation and, as a result, the strength of the structure.

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What Are The Types of Waterproofing Materials?

Types Of Waterproofing. According to the field of application, all waterproofing material is divided into two large categories – indoor and outdoor use. According to the time of use, waterproofing is primary, performed at the construction stage, and secondary, repair when there is a problem of moisture suction or leakage. According to the principle of action, several types of waterproofing are distinguished.

  • Anti-capillary
  • Superficial
  • Complex
  • Anti-pressure

But the most common is the classification of waterproofing according to the device method.

Coating – polymer compositions; bitumen-based mastics, one-component or with additives (bitumen-rubber, bitumen-polymer, bitumen-mineral) and the most modern – water-polymer without the addition of bitumen.

Membrane-Roll materials are laid with an overlap of the joint in one or more layers. Depending on the specific type, they are fixed mechanically, on a sticky layer on one side, with specialized adhesives or melted.

Waterproofing Material

Penetrating (impregnating) – cement-based solutions with modifying additives penetrate deep into the thickness of the treated surface. Clogs pores to prevent moisture from sucking in.

Injection – formulations based on polyurethane, micro cement, epoxy resins, and acrylate. “Injections” with introducing a waterproofing agent into the deep layers.

The choice of one or type is influenced by the specifics and technical condition of the structure, the stage of work at Noah construction company, the base material, and other factors. Consider how and with what waterproofing is performed under various conditions.

How To Get Rid of Water in The Plinth?

There is a townhouse with a basement on a slope. The base is monolithic; the height is about 4 meters. One wall is entirely in the ground, and the opposite is entirely on the surface. The problem is that at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from the wall (which is in the ground), the floor gets wet, water accumulates in the pits. We tried to embroider and fill the seam and the corners of the slab to the wall with a waterproofing compound. We did an injection, but there is still no particular result. The townhouse itself is not located at the lowest point of the slope; below, there is a ravine, where the storm drain leaves the road and houses. Subjectively, moisture is constant, regardless of whether it is raining or not. There is a version that moisture enters through the floor itself and not through the seams. Floor – monolithic slab 40 cm, concrete M200. On the project with insulation and waterproofing, how it is – is unknown. Tell me what the correct algorithm of actions is,

How To Protect the Masonry from Getting Wet Through the Seams?

Just treating the wall with water-repellent soil will not be enough in this case. Since water-repellent primers can seal the pores in the base up to 0.2 mm. This problem must be approached comprehensively:

Seams In Brickwork – it is necessary to embroider (deepen) by 5-10 mm, since there are already micro-gaps in the seams, plus we will make a reserve in-depth for laying new material. Treat the prepared surface with waterproof soil of deep penetration for 1 time and let dry for at least 4 hours. Seams, filling: if the seams are grey, we recommend using a reinforcing hydrophobic filler for filling; if the seams are white, we recommend using a leveling high-strength hydrophobic filler for filling we will remove the saturation of the wall through the seams of the Brickwork. Allow the applied fillers to dry for at least 3 days.

Waterproofing Services

Applying a water repellant over the entire wall surface – for this, it is best to use a waterproof deep penetration water repellant based on silicone. We apply the application in two layers, wet on wet; after applying the first layer, we do not allow it to dry, but immediately proceed to the application of the second layer, from the same place where we started to apply the first layer.

Such a system of using materials will allow you to protect the wall from getting wet and saturating it with water. At the same time, the water repellent will not have to be applied every year; it will be enough to process the walls every 3-5 years, depending on the intensity of the rains in the season.

How To Waterproof an Insulated Pool?

If I understand correctly, then the insulation is planned to be carried out inside the pool bowl, in which case the pie of materials will be the following. There are no questions about how and how to do it; there are more questions about EPPS (extruded polystyrene foam).

•To glue the EPSS, you need to use specialized glue and apply it to the EPSS board not with cakes, but over the entire surface of the board, with a notched trowel with a tooth height of 12 mm. In this way, we will avoid voids under the EPSP slab, which will positively affect the distribution of the load from the water pressure on the EPSP and the entire system, including waterproofing and mosaics.

•After 24 hours, the glued EPSP boards must be additionally fixed to the base with plastic mushrooms with a plastic core.

•To create an adhesive layer on EPSP boards, it is necessary to apply a special reinforcing putty with fiberglass mesh in two layers. When choosing a mesh, you must be guided by the following criteria:

The density of the fiberglass mesh is not less than 150 g / m².


Mesh – 5 × 5 mm.

Technology – we apply the first layer of putty, 2-3 mm thick, and put a mesh in it, immediately smooth out the putty that has protruded through the cells so that the mesh is completely covered with the putty (the mesh is not visible). When laying the mesh, we observe the overlap of the canvases – at least 100 mm. Leave to dry for 24 hours. After 24 hours, start applying the second layer of putty at least 2-3 mm thick. Thus, we get the thickness of the putty in two layers of 4-6 mm. We do not prime between the layers of the putty but simply moisten it with water. Let it dry for three days.

  • Now, you can start applying to waterproofing contractors NYC – since the base is not the most stable (EPS insulation), the choice of waterproofing should be directed to elastic waterproofing. The best option would be “rubber” on a water-polymer basis, ready to use, with a consumption of 0.8-1.0 kg / m² in two layers and an elasticity of more than 300%. Drying time of waterproofing – 1 day from the moment of application of the last layer.
  • Tile adhesive for mosaic laying is a white waterproof adhesive mixture. This adhesive was developed according to European standards in swimming pools and fountains.
  • In 24 hours after finishing laying the mosaic, you can start grouting. The waterproof grout is recommended for use in swimming pools and fountains.

Now the main question is the choice of EPS insulation! The manufacturer must approve this material for use in swimming pools, in systems of the kind described above. Accordingly, the EPS must withstand the loads (not change its geometry) from the water pressure.


Having chosen the optimal type of waterproofing at the construction stage and having correctly completed its device, it is possible to avoid problems in the future. If the need arose to protect structures, there is a mass of modern waterproofing materials characterized by high reliability.

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What is the Purpose of Waterproofing?

The basement, unprotected from melt and groundwater, quickly collapses, and with it, the whole house perishes. Moisture accumulated by brick walls or concrete penetrates the structure, which has undesirable consequences at low temperatures. What happens next, every schoolchild knows – water expands when it freezes, and tears even iron pipes, not to mention concrete and brick. Cracks form in the foundation and walls, where water penetrates, which has a corrosive effect on the reinforcement and concrete of structures. Also, water often flows through the junction of the floor with the walls.

In addition, dampness becomes a source of mold, a favorable factor for the reproduction of pathogens. They will not limit their area to the basement, spreading throughout the rest of the building. The sanitary condition of the building is significantly deteriorating.

The problem of dampness is especially acute in the case when the waterproofing qualities of the basements are violated due to:

  • Design errors;
  • Poor concrete pouring;
  • Failure to comply with the technology and timing of the curing of concrete foundations;
  • Lack of initial waterproofing of expansion joints and floor;
  • The presence of foreign inclusions in concrete: voids, debris, formwork remnants;
  • Exit out of the reinforcement foundation;
  • Defects in waterproofing materials;
  • Changes in the designated purpose of residential buildings for their industrial use.

How are the Penetrating Waterproofing Works Going?

The device for internal waterproofing of the basement, despite the general construction company principles with the external, is still more complicated. As a rule, the unprotected foundation has already accumulated dampness, condensation has accumulated in the cellar, the walls are covered with fungus, which requires careful surface preparation.

This is partly due to the higher cost of interior work. The best way to treat a basement from the inside is penetrating waterproofing. The device of penetrating waterproofing is performed according to the following method:

  • Basement concrete walls are thoroughly cleaned of efflorescence, fungus, dirt, and debris;
  • The surface of the walls is moistened with water, but so as not to flood the room, but to achieve the deepest penetration of water into the concrete mass. Therefore, the water is distributed along the walls slowly and in stages;
  • Next, the liquid waterproofing mixture is applied with a brush with a synthetic pile in two layers – the second across the first, after it dries. The better the walls are moistened, the deeper the waterproofing mixture penetrates the concrete.

Penetrating waterproofing is characterized by one drawback – it is designed for processing a concrete foundation, moreover, high-quality poured, with cracks, no more than 0.4 mm in depth.

Also in Moscow, another type of waterproofing is now gaining popularity – injection. Even though this waterproofing is not the cheapest, in some cases it becomes the only way to save the basement and the floor from dampness and groundwater.

What Can be Achieved by Waterproofing a Concrete Basement And Masonry Walls?

Firstly, it is possible to avoid dampness and the above consequences.

Secondly, a protected basement space acquires a high economic value. Here it becomes possible to arrange a cellar for storing property, provisions, auxiliary premises – a workshop, a gym, a studio – i.e., everything for which there is enough space and imagination;

Thirdly, the necessary level of comfort is provided in the rooms located above. Basement waterproofing NYC outside from groundwater

The easiest, most effective, and cheapest way to protect the basement from moisture penetration is vertical waterproofing from the outside, which is carried out even at the construction stage, namely, after the concrete has hardened, when the foundation walls have not yet been covered with earth. Therefore, such basement waterproofing will not be a mistake to call foundation waterproofing.

Depending on the materials used, waterproofing is distinguished:

  • The coating is made of bituminous mastic. The prices for it are very low. Dust, dirt, and debris are removed from the walls, after which they are dried. For better adhesion, they are primed with a special primer, and then covered with mastic with a roller or brush. Recently, you can buy bitumen-polymer materials for the same purpose, which are more durable than ordinary bituminous mastic;
  • Okechuku – from rolled materials, the basis of which is fiberglass, polyester, fiberglass with two bitumen-polymer layers or ordinary roofing material. First, the walls of the foundation are cleaned, dried, covered with a primer, and then the roll material is glued from the bottom up and overlapped onto the primed surface so that the lower edge of the upper sheet goes over the upper edge of the lower one. Sheets are rolled with a roller. The same method is used to waterproof the floor. The complexity of the work lies in the need to comply with many technical conditions, which is why it is better to invite specialists;
  • Plastering. It is good for a foundation that, according to calculations, will not undergo deformation. The outer surface of the walls is cleaned, guide beacons are attached to them, and then, just like concrete plaster is thrown, the space between the beacons is filled flush with them with a special insulating compound with modifiers, additives, and binding components. The disadvantage of this method is the requirement for the stability of the foundation. If it settles or deforms, cracks will appear in the plaster, which will become conductors of water;
  • Made of liquid rubber. Long-lasting protection is achieved by spraying, brushing, or rolling the vertical surface of the foundation in one layer. The method is technologically advanced, but the prices for the material are quite high;
  • Screen. Bentonite clay mats, which are attached to the foundation using facade dowels, allow creating an effective barrier against ground, flood, and pressure water. On contact with water, the clay swells, filling cracks and forming a gel screen, thereby creating reliable waterproofing. Such waterproofing is laborious and expensive, but effective.

In addition, before proceeding with the installation of the floor and floor, you need to install horizontal insulation – before the walls are erected. The purpose of such waterproofing is not to protect the basement, but to protect the rest of the overlying premises (including the floor) from the capillary rise of water. By separating the underground part of the foundation from the ground one with the help of horizontal insulation, it is possible to cut off the water that penetrates from the ground up the walls and floor.

This type of waterproofing is mandatory. Horizontal waterproofing is carried out by methods:

  • Roll pasting. The horizontal surface of the foundation is covered with bitumen sheet material in two overlap layers on top of a millimeter layer of mastic;
  • Coatings. The horizontal surfaces of the foundation are covered with a liquid material based on rubber, rubber, mastic, which creates a protective barrier on the surface of the structure through which water cannot enter;
  • Penetrating treatments. Special compositions are applied to damp concrete over the surface. Active chemical components penetrate the concrete, reacting with its components. The reaction products are insoluble crystals that fill the pores and microcracks of concrete, increasing its water resistance.

Basement waterproofing from the outside during the construction phase of the house has a lower cost than internal protection from groundwater, in the case when the house is already built. Some techniques allow you to save money and do all the work yourself, spending money only on the purchase of material.

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