Find out how much it costs to build a turnkey house in NYC, what prices are on the market today and what they depend on
Are you planning to build a house in NYC? Then, of course, one of the first questions you ask yourself will be the question of price. In this article, I will talk about the most important pricing factors that are taken into account in construction companies.
First of all, there are three main factors:
- Number of storeys
- The thickness of the walls and the material from which they will be built
- Project complexity.
I want to note right away that prices will be indicated approximately. Finding out exactly how much it costs to build a house is possible only if there is a design solution with full specifications of materials.
Floors of the House
It would seem that everything is simple with the number of floors: the more floors, the more expensive the construction, because more materials and more labour will be required. But this is true only if we compare houses of the same area relative to the foundation.
If we talk about living space, then with other identical parameters, the construction of a two-story house can cost an average of 10-15% cheaper than the construction of a one-story house. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to equip the foundation and roof of a smaller area. The need to equip the stairs will slightly increase the overall budget, but the savings will still take place.

Of course, when choosing the number of storeys, it is also necessary to take into account the specifics of the land plot – its area, type of soil and other features.
House Project
To build a house on a turnkey basis or under the roof, you definitely need a project. Reliable construction company “Noah Builders NYC” have their own architectural departments that deal with design.
The cost of the design solution will depend on the area of the house and the complexity of the architectural idea. When specifying the cost, as a rule, the price per m 2 is indicated. On average, the creation of an architectural project costs 100-200 rubles per m 2. In order to save money, you can always choose a standard design solution. Many construction companies make impressive discounts when a client chooses standard projects or even provide them for free.

It is also important to include in the budget an important item of expenditure – obtaining a building permit. On average, the cost of such a service is 15,000 rubles.
How Much Does Construction Cost?
Prices for building services are also usually quoted per square metre. They will depend primarily on what materials are used. So, when building a house made of wood, a log house can be built from:
- Ordinary timber
- Profiled timber
- Glued beam
- Rounded log
The most budgetary option is the arrangement of a “box” from an ordinary bar. The cost of services can start anywhere from 6000 rubles. Approximately 1.5-2 times more expensive will be the cost of building a “box” from profiled timber and rounded logs. The most expensive thing is to build a “box” from glued laminated timber – such services will cost about 16-17,000 rubles per meter.
In the construction of wooden houses, strip foundations are most often used. Their arrangement costs about 3-4 thousand rubles per square meter. It is important to consider the cost of arranging the roof. As a rule, a metal tile is used for this. It can be “cold” or “warm”. Creating a “cold” roof will cost about 900-1000 rubles, “warm” – 200-300 rubles are more expensive.

The “foundation + frame + roof” package implies the provision of services “under the roof”. If finishing is also required, turnkey construction services should be ordered. In this case, the specialists will also perform interior decoration, which costs about 6,000 rubles and equip the necessary engineering communications. The cost of this service is from 1000 rubles per meter.
I want to note that ordering turnkey construction services most often makes it possible to save money. In general, their cost can be from 18,000 rubles.
How Much Do Materials Cost?
Of great importance will be what wall materials you choose. The most affordable option is a regular bar. Its cost starts from about 8000 rubles / m3. However, this material cannot be called the most reliable. For those who want to get a warm and beautiful home, I still want to advise you to use one of the following materials:
- Rounded log
- Profiled beam
The cost of such materials is somewhere around 10,000 rubles. The most expensive material is glued laminated timber. One cubic meter of timber will cost about 25,000 rubles. However, I want to note that the same material is the most beautiful and reliable. If your budget allows it, you should take advantage of this opportunity.
Thus, it is difficult to accurately calculate the price when deciding to build a house in NYC. At least not without the help of specialists who can take into account all the variables. For those who are important to orient themselves before contacting specialists, I would like to advise you to use online calculators – they are available on the website of any reliable building construction company. In addition, many companies offer a free cost estimate, and if you have definitely decided to build, using this service will also not be superfluous.