The final stage in constructing any roof is the installation of roofing covering material. Depending on the type of construction, usually, even during the design of the house, the best option for finishing the roof is selected. Often homeowners decide to cover the roof with roofing material. Therefore, we will tell you what kind of coating it is, what varieties exist, about the features of calculating its required amount. Consider how the roof is prepared and the material is welded in the same way.
There is always a certain number of construction company home builders who are interested in how to replace the roofing material. After all, this soft material for the roof has disadvantages. Moreover, people still remember that during the existence of the USSR, roofing felt roofs did not differ in quality. The reason for this was the inconsistency of the roofing material with a large number of consumer requirements. That time was still distinguished by low discipline in construction and installation works. Then it wasn’t easy to find a responsible person for low-quality processes.

However, modern versions of roofing material are reliable, inexpensive and durable coatings. Their manufacturers produce a wide range. They are available to homeowners even with a small budget.
What are the advantages of modern roofing material?
The advantages of modern roofing material options include:
- the durability of about 25 years with proper installation;
- resistance to ultraviolet radiation, because modified bitumen and various dressings are used in the production of advanced materials;
- mechanical strength, since synthetic materials are used as the basis;
- Excellent ability to withstand linear changes due to thermal influences without losing its integrity and waterproofing properties.
Manufacturers produce roofing material in rolls. This form makes it easy to carry out its transportation and storage. After the installation of this material, a good waterproofing layer is formed. Its high-quality styling is performed even by masters with little experience.

Nevertheless, a substitute for roofing material can be used because the cardboard-bitumen coating ignites quickly. At the same time, it cannot boast of the strength that, for example, metal or other tiles possess. Moreover, the roofing material is not distinguished by presentability.
Alternative options for conventional roofing material
The roofing contractors NYC use roofing material, also in rolls, has already been mentioned – the deposited material. Its use simplifies the installation process. It has a longer service life. This analogue has a non-cardboard base. Bitumen or polymer is used to cover it.
The deposited roll material has other advantages:
- thickness at least 3 mm;
- a small percentage of layering;
- Installation is carried out by heating the lower part.
Instead of roofing material, liquid rubber is also used. This method of covering the roof allows you to create durable protection. Its service life is significantly longer than that of roofing material. Liquid rubber is a non-toxic material. It withstands low temperatures very well.

Manufacturers use bitumen to make liquid rubber. Many professionals use an airbrush when applying it. However, a regular brush is also often used. In any case, the process does not require any special skills. However, experts are well aware of all the intricacies of applying any coating, including liquid rubber.
All modern materials are more expensive than conventional roofing materials. So, liquid rubber is sold at several times higher prices than the roofing material.
Many professionals recommend the use of euro Ruberoid. After all, it is a membrane in which both bitumen and polymer are used. The fibreglass or fibreglass of such material is covered with atactic foam. It is applied in 2-5 kg per square of the coating area.
Modern substitutes for roofing material also include glassine. It is also called roofing paper. Petroleum bitumen is used to impregnate this coating. Such material is classified depending on the thickness of the cardboard. The durability of glassine is from 10 to 12 years. It is used to create exclusively internal protection. It is a vapour-permeable membrane. With its help create protection for thermal insulation.
Glassine can also be used as a roofing film. Too many builders, this material is known as Isospin. It is not an independent roof. It must be protected from above with another coating. Because of this, the laying of roofing material in a modern design is more often carried out.
Another type of bituminous material is stallion. Its production is carried out on a fibreglass basis. This is a budget analogue of standard roofing material. It is used as an independent coating and a lining base.
When the protective layer of glass idol with coarse dressing is on the outside, the material is intended to cover the roof structure. The analogue is used as a lining layer when it is located below.
Replacement of standard roofing felt is often done by laying. It is a waterproof coating. A mixture consisting of bitumen and filler is applied to it. The coating material is the same as stekloizol. It is excellent for roof repairs. It is also initially used to create a roofing carpet.